Narayana Health Team of Doctors

Больницы Контакты

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Your first name.
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Your first name.
Experience :17 Years
Education :MBBS MS
Specialization :Акушер и гинеколог
Experience :22 Years
Education :MBBS MS
Specialization :Гастроэнтерология и гепатология
Experience :19 Лет
Education :MBBS MS MRCS
Specialization :гастроэнтерология и гепатология
Experience :16 Лет
Education :MBBS MS DNB
Specialization :Хирургический гастроэнтеролог
Experience :27 Years
Education :MBBS MD DM
Specialization :Сердечный хирург
Experience :24 Years
Education :MBBS MD DM
Specialization :Сердечный хирург
Experience :29 Лет
Education :MBBS MS MCH
Specialization :Сердечный хирург