Fortis Escort Heart Institute Team of Doctors

Больницы Контакты

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Your first name.
(If you're a human, don't change the following field)
Your first name.
(If you're a human, don't change the following field)
Your first name.
Experience :39 лет
Education :MBBS MD DM
Specialization :Трансплантация печени
Experience :37Лет
Education :MBBS MD DNB
Specialization :кардиостимуляция и электрофизиология
Department :Гинеколог
Experience :32 Лет
Education :MBBS MD
Specialization :Сердечный хирург
Experience :25 Лет
Education :MBBS DNB
Specialization :Нейрохирургия
Experience :33 Лет
Specialization :кардиология
Experience :41 Лет
Education :MBBS, MS, MCh Orth, F.R.C.S. (Edinburgh)
Specialization :Кость и сустав
Department :Ортопедия
Experience :37 Лет
Education :MBBS, MRCP, FRCP, FACC, FESC, D.Litt. Honoris Causa
Specialization :кардиология
Experience :34 Years
Education :MBBS MS MCH
Specialization :кардиохирургия
Experience :37 год
Education :MBBS MD Medicine DM (Cardiology)
Specialization : неинвазивная кардиология и руководитель, профилактическая кардиология
Department :Гинеколог
