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Shaving of Cartilage

Shaving of Cartilage

What is Shaving of Cartilage? Shaving of cartilage is when the cartilage in the knee joint is damaged which results in removing all or a part of the tearing meniscus. What are the tests required? The tests required before the procedure is: X-rays MRI How much time is required? The hospital stay will be for 3-4 days. In addition, the patients stay in India will be for around 2-8...
Shoulder Replacement

Shoulder Replacement

What is shoulder replacement and its goal? Shoulder replacement is a complex surgical procedure that involves replacing the shoulder joint with prosthetic implant. Shoulder replacement is a complex surgical procedure that involves replacing the shoulder joint with prosthetic implant. What leads to shoulder replacement? Arthritis Fractured or broken shoulder. Avascular Necrosis...
Spinal Fusion

Spinal Fusion

What are Spinal fusion + Decompression Anthroplasty? It is the process to correct the problems with the vertebrae bones, to fuse the paining vertebrae into one so that pain becomes less. What are the tests required? The tests required before the procedure is: MRI CT Scan Myelogram How much time is required? The procedure requires 1-3 hours and the stay in the hospital would...
Spinal Fusion Surgery

Spinal Fusion Surgery

A spinal fusion surgery is planned to stop the motion at a tender vertebral segment, which in turn should decrease pain generated from the joint. Lumbar spinal fusion is surgery to join, or fuse, two or more vertebrae in the low back. Spinal fusion is main surgery, usually durable for several hours. Success Rate Studies indicate that the patient's pain is improved 60% to 70%...


What is stapecdectomy? Stapecdectomy is the process to replace the innermost bone of the middle ear with the plastic tube surrounding a short length of stainless steel wire. It is done to improve the sound of the inner ear. What is the test required? The test required before the procedure is the hearing test. How much time is required? The time required for the procedure is about an...
Surgical Atrial Septectomy

Surgical Atrial Septectomy

What are the tests required? The tests required before the procedure is: Blood Test ECG Chest X-ray Echo Cardiogram MRI CT Scan How much time is required? The stay in the hospital is for a week. Moreover, the procedure takes about an hour. What is the cost of the procedure? The cost of the procedure is 7300 USD.
Systemic Pulmonary Artery

Systemic Pulmonary Artery

What are the tests required? The tests required before the procedure is: Blood Test ECG Chest X-ray ECHO Cardiogram MRI CT Scan How much time is required? The stay in the hospital is for a week. Moreover, the procedure takes about an hour. What is the cost of the procedure? The cost of the procedure is 5600 USD.


What is Thymectomy? Thymectomy is the surgical procedure to remove the thymus. There is remission of myasthenia gravis with the help of medicine, which includes steroids. However, the remission may not be permanent. What are the tests required? The tests required for the procedure are: X-ray, Blood test. Breathing test, Musclestrength test How much time is required? The...


What is Thyroidectomy? Thyroidectomy is the surgical procedure of removing a part or the complete thyroid gland. Usually takes place when the patient has thyroid cancer or goiter. What are the tests required? The test required before the procedure is: Ultrasound CT Scan How much time is required? The procedure takes place in 3-4 hours whereas the hospital stay would be for 2-...
Total Penectomy

Total Penectomy

How much time is required? The time required for the procedure is 2-4 hours whereas the hospital stay might last for week or so. What is the cost of the procedure? The cost of the procedure is 3600 USD.
Transsphenoidal Operations

Transsphenoidal Operations

What is a Tran’s sphenoid operation? Transsphenoidal surgery is a type of surgery in which an endoscope and/or surgical instruments are inserted into part of the brain by going through the nose and the sphenoid bone (a butterfly-shaped bone at the base of the skull) into the sphenoidal sinus cavity. Transsphenoidal surgery is used to remove tumors of the pituitary gland. (Such tumours, although...
TURB (Endoscopic)

TURB (Endoscopic)

What is TURB (Endoscopic)? TURB (Endoscopic) is the surgical procedure to remove the bladders tumors for the further pathological analysis. What are the tests required? The test required before the procedure is: Urine tests Blood tests Imaging How much time is required? The hospital stay would be for 1-4 days. The procedure would make the patient stay in the hospital for 3...


What is TURP/ TUEVP (Laser)? TURP/ TUEVP (Laser) is the procedure where the doctor performs laser surgery to reduce the reasonable or extreme urinary symptoms caused by the enlarged prostrate. What are the tests required? The test required before the procedure is: Blood Tests Diagnostic tests How much time is required? The procedure takes place in 90 minutes whereas the...


What is tympanoplasty? Tympanoplasty is the process of surgically reconstructing the eardrum or some parts of the middle ear. It is done to repair the eardrum, which is perforated. What are the tests required? The tests required before the treatment is Audiogram Other hearing tests. How much time is required? The time required for the reconstruction is 1 hour and the patients...
Vagal Nerve Stimulator

Vagal Nerve Stimulator

What is Vagal nerve stimulator? Vagal nerve stimulator is the treatment that involves delivering stimulus to vagus nerve. What are the tests required? The test required before the procedure is Blood tests Chest X rays, ECG How much time is required? The time required for the procedure to take place is about 2 hours and the stay in the hospital would be for a day. What...


What is vasectomy? Vasectomy is the procedure of surgical permanent contraception. The male vas deference is sealed so that the sperm does not ejaculate and thus, prevention of fertilization. How much time is required? The time required for the procedure is around 20-40 minutes and the stay in the hospital is just for a day. What is the cost of the procedure? The cost of the procedure...
Ventricular Septal Defect

Ventricular Septal Defect

A Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a flaw in the ventricular septum, the wall dividing the right and left ventricles of the heart. The ventricular septum comprises of an inferior muscular and superior membranous portion and is largely innervated with conducting cardiomyocytes. The membranous part, which is close to the atrioventricular node, is most commonly affected in adults...


Что такое абдоминопластика? Абдоминопластика это процедура удаления избыточного жира из нижней части или средней части живота. И это может быть сделано, чтобы затянуть мышцы возле живота. Это косметическая хирургия и часто известна как подтяжка живота. Какие тесты необходимы? Тесты, необходимые перед процедурой, - это всего лишь некоторые анализы крови. Сколько времени требуется?...


Что такое гистерэктомия? Гистерэктомия - это процедураудаления женской матки, а иногда и фаллопиевой трубки и яичников. После завершения всей процедуры женщины не могут забеременеть и не будут иметь менструальные циклы. Какие тесты необходимы? Тест, необходимый для процедуры: Кровь, тесты на мочу, Рентген почки Брюшная полость, ультразвуковое исследование...
Spinal Decompression

Декомпрессия Позвоночника

Что такое спинальная декомпрессия? Операция по декомпрессии позвоночника - это операция по облегчению симптомов, вызванных давлением, сжатием на спинном мозге. Что такое Общие методы декомпрессии ? Диссектомия Это включает удаление части диска для снятия давления на близлежащие нервные корни. Ламинэктомия Небольшая часть костных дуг позвоночного канала называется пластиной. Во время...
