Bone Marrow Transplant Cost in India

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This is the average cost of Bone Marrow Transplant in top ranked hospitals in India. It may vary from person to person, depending on patient's condition - like age, diabeties, hypertension etc.

Bone Marrow Transplant Cost in India

Country Cost
India $ 30,000
USA 200,000
Thailand $ 45,000-60,000

Does the given cost include everything, accommodation food etc.?
The food and accommodation is not included in the cost provided. We would help you find a suitable accommodation that would fit in your budget in a decent place which would be close to the hospital. 
Are the post-transplant follow up costs included?
No, the post-transplant follow up cost is not included in the prescribed cost. It would further cost the patient nearly 7000 USD for the follow up.
What if the patient has no total matched sibling?
If the patient has no total matched sibling, then the cost for the procedure would increase and would go up to around 46,000 USD. If the patient has a totally matched sibling, then the cost of would be around 30,000 USD.
The breakdown would be:

  • Procedures cost package would be- 21,000 USD
  • Transfusion medicine services cost- 4,600 USD
  • Donor workup cost- 1200 USD
  • Recipient workup cost- 1200 USD

Do you need to pay the amount before coming to India?
The patient can even pay the amount before the surgery in India or the amount can be transferred before coming to India.
Ways to reduce the cost of the treatment?
The accommodation can be made from single bed to double or more beds sharing.